With the rise of artificial intelligence, deepfakes of companies / people online have become increasingly prevalent. A recent study indicated over $5B/year is lost/scammed by deepfakes as well as fraudulent information being spread.

ThirdEye DeepFake AI Features:-

  • Our DeepFake AI scans daily and detect the deepfakes for fraudulent information/ pictures/ videos/ by using AI and remove it automatically.
  • User can input their real name/socail media profile links (from Instagram, Twitter(X), LinkedIn, etc.)
  • Our DeepFake AI app will daily check whether there are any fake bots online impersonating them and auto remove and record the fake accounts.
  • User can also manually input any fake links to be taken down.
  • User/Organization has to verify their identity.
  • Removal/Get down the fake social media link within 5 minutes of detecting/adding.
  • Detect whether a picture/video has been AI altered or is real.